Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Housing Options

Do you need help with housing?  A Housing Options Interview

Housing Options is an approach which offers personal advice to anyone who may need housing advice or assistance. It aims to support you if you feel you are struggling to stay in your current home, to help you make informed choices about your housing options/future and to prevent you from becoming homeless.

Developed by Glasgow Housing Association and Glasgow City Council with other Housing Associations, the NHS and the voluntary sector; Housing Options has been independently evaluated to show very positive results.

Housing Options looks at your individual circumstances; your housing & personal needs and choices. This will include any support needs or other specific needs you tell us about. We will help you to consider access to Social Housing (Housing Associations), the Private Rented Sector, Ownership Options, Homelessness Services and consider support to help you remain in your current home.

A Housing Options interview will take about 1 hour and we will try to offer solutions tailored to your personal needs.

You can contact our office to request a Housing Options interview to discuss your housing and other circumstances. Our Housing Management staff will take the necessary time to understand your situation and if at the end of our discussion a decision is made that should you wish to apply to us for housing we will help you complete our application form.  

Alternatively if you are unable to attend our office because of a disability or ill health, we may be able to help you by discussing your circumstances over the telephone or by email. If you need this alternative service please call our office and we will try to assist you. You can also book an appointment with another Association closer to you, please click here for list of other Association’s using Housing Options RSL List.