Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Applying for a house

Yorkhill Housing Association is small, which means compared to some other housing providers our stock is very limited. The area is popular and demand for our properties is high.

We allocate flats to :

  • Waiting list applicants Application Form
  • YHA tenants who have requested a transfer Transfer Form
  • Homelessness and other special needs referrals from Glasgow City Council

Our assessment system is based on housing need and we rotate our allocations around the above three lists.  Family housing is particularly scarce. If you require a property with three bedrooms or more we will strongly advise you to consider alternative areas.

Generally, only 2.2% of our housing applications result in an offer of accommodation. Being placed on the waiting list does not guarantee that you will be offered a property.

If you require homelessness advice and assistance during office hours then you should contact Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555. You can also request homelessness assistance online at: Contact Health and Social Care Connect - Glasgow City Council

If you require assistance after 4.45pm Monday to Thursday or 3.55pm on a Friday or weekends and public holidays, then please contact the Emergency Out of Hours Homelessness Service on 0800 838 502.

You can also visit the Glasgow City Council Homelessness Page at https://www.yoursupportglasgow.org/glasgow-homepage/pages/housing-options-and-homelessness/homelessness-support-and-advice/

Gallery now Cafe Orlando 2013

gallery then Tram car 1962