Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Rules and Membership

A Registered Social Landlord, Yorkhill Housing Association is governed by the Charitable version of the 2020 Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Model Rules. The Association therefore has a written constitution (read our Rules here) which prescribe how the organisation has to be structured and managed.

Our Governing Body (the Management Committee) has to be elected by the membership.

We must hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and invite all members to attend. The purpose of the AGM is to:

  • elect or re-elect one third of the Management Committee
  • present the Annual Accounts which have been externally audited
  • appoint external Auditors for the next year
  • present the Chairperson's report on the Association's key activities during the previous year

Membership of the Association is open to all adult residents of Yorkhill and costs £1.

Become A Member

AGM 2011 Back of crowd

To become a member of the Association, all you need to do is complete an application form and hand it in to the office with payment of £1.

The Management Committee considers all membership applications. Once an application has been formally approved the applicant is issued with a share certificate and is entered on the Share Register.

We have three categories of membership:

- Local residents almost always qualify for automatic approval and remain members for as long as they live in the area.

- New or potential customers of the Association.

- Applications from non-residents are considered by the Management Committee and approved if the applicant has a legitimate interest in the Association. This type of membership is valid for as long as the shareholder has an active interest in the Association's activities. Our membership Policy provides more information eligibilty and the application process.

You can download an application form or collect one from the office

Click here for an application form or collect one from the office. Please also note our Membership Privacy Statement which is appended to the form.

To view or print copies of our Membership Policy, click here. Copies of our Rules are available on request from the office.

Compliance with our Rules is a legal requirement. 
We must operate in accordance with these conditions:
  • Our Management Committee must have a minimum of seven elected members and a maximum of fifteen.
  • The Management Committee may appoint additional members between Annual General Meetings up to a maximum of one third of the elected members.
  • All committee members must sign a Code of Conduct and are bound by its terms and conditions.
  • We must have a Chairperson and a Secretary
  • A third of the Committee must stand down every year and can stand for re-election.
  • The Management Committee is responsible for ensuring the Association complies with all legal and regulatory requirements. Its role is to agree and review organisational strategy with guidance and support from the professional staff team.
  • The full Management Committee normally meet 10 months of the year.