Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Yorkhill Housing Association is accountable to a number of regulatory bodies; principal among these is the Scottish Housing Regulator, which regulates Registered Social Landlords ('RSLs') to protect the interests of residents and other service users of social landlords.

Engagement Plans

The Regulator sets a required standard of Governance and Financial Management, set out in their Regulatory Framework (recently revised in February 2024 - link here), which is designed for RSLs to follow in order to achieve good organisational health. The Regulator monitors the Association's compliance with these standards through a mix of engaging directly with us alongside requesting various documents being returned annually to highlight performance.

The Regulator's latest Engagement Plan for the Association ahead of 2024-2025 is available here. Additionally, Engagement Plans for every other RSL in Scotland can be found in their Landlord Directory.

Based on this Engagement Plan, the Regulator requires no further assurance other than the mandatory returns for the year, which are as follows:

  • Annual Assurance Statement (latest submission, October 2023)
  • Audited Financial Statements and External Auditors Management Letter (latest annual accounts, 2023)
  • Five Year Financial Projections
  • Loan Portfolio Returns 
  • Annual Return on the Charter (latest submission, May 2024)

You can find further information and archives pertaining to the key returns we must make by using the table on the left of this page.

We must also notify the Regulator of any material changes to our Annual Assurance Statement, and any tenant and resident safety matter which has been reported to or is being investigated by the Health and Safety Executive or reports from regulatory or statutory authorities or insurance providers, relating to safety concerns. 

More information on how the Regulator monitors our standards of compliance can be found their website, linked here.