Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910


If something goes wrong, we want to know and we want to put it right. 
Complaints about our service will help us to improve. We will regularly publish lessons we have learned in our newsletters and on our website.   We record and report on all complaints.

Make A Complaint

You can make a complaint by

  • writing a letter to the Association's office at 1271 Argyle Street, Glasgow G3 8TH
  • phoning the Association's office 0141 285 7910
  • in person at the office
  • by email to administration@yorkhillha.org 

We accept verbal complaints, but it is best for all parties if there is a written record of what you have raised. This avoids any misunderstandings at a later date. So, if you report your concern in person or by phone, our staff will record what has been said in writing and pass a copy to you.

From April 2024, tenants wishing to make a complaint directly to the Scottish Housing Regulator in severe circumstances where it is felt that the Association is failing to meet Regulatory Obligations can do so via this form. Please note that this does not replace the Association's own Complaints Handling Procedure, so tenants should read the document carefully to consider which channel to direct their complaint through.