Just as complaints help us improve our services, compliments help our awareness of the policies, systems and activities that work well. We welcome compliments on any aspect of our service.
We may use extracts from complimentary comments or correspondence in newsletters or on the web site but will not reveal identities without the express consent of the source.
We recently received excellent feedback from a tenant who was delighted with the service they received from staff - "I would like to thank the office staff for assisting in getting the problem with my electricity sorted." (November 2022)
We also received a compliment from a resident who thanked the Factoring Team "Thank you for acknowledging my email. It may seem like a small gesture, but it means a great deal to me, and I wanted to convey my gratitude" (September 2023)
Our Maintenance Service have also performed well according to the recent feedback from a satisfied tenant "I would like to say thanks to YHA. I am delighted with how smoothly my new bathroom was fitted" (October 2023)