Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Complaints Reports

Complaints Summary 2023-2024

Stage 1 Stage 2
Number of complaints received 18 3
Number of complaints responded to in full 18 3
Number of complaints upheld 10 2
Number of complaints resolved 2 0
Percentage of complaints responded to in full 100% 100%
Average days taken to respond 3.44 9.67

Complaints Summary 2022-2023

Stage 1 Stage 2
Number of complaints received 19 5
Number of complaints responded to in full 19 4
Number of complaints upheld 12 2
Number of complaints resolved 4 0
Percentage of complaints responded to in full 100% 80%*
Average days taken to respond 3.79 16

*Carried over into Q1 2023-2024