Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910


Yorkhill AreaComplaints help us to improve our services and we encourage people to let us know when things go wrong. Even the most minor of complaints can highlight a weakness in our systems or practices.

Everyone at Yorkhill Housing Association is committed to providing the best service possible to all our customers. We will listen to all complaints, we will own up when our service has not reached the required standard, we will aim to fix problems as quickly as we can and we will take steps to avoid repeat mistakes on our part.

There are two categories of complaint:

Stage 1 complaints are those that can be resolved immediately or within five working days. Any member of staff can complete a stage 1 complaint.

Stage 2 complaints require more investigation and must be signed off by a senior member of staff. The target time for completion is twenty working days.

If an investigation into a complaint demonstrates that the Association has not acted improperly or there is another reason why the complaint cannot be upheld, a full explanation will be provided so that the complainant is clear on why this decision has been made.