Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

External Auditors

During 2019 the Association conducted a review of its external auditors using the Procurement Scotland Quick Quote tendering system. Three companies were interviewed, and following an assessment of the tenders and interview scores, Azets emerged as the preferred choice of the interview panel.

The Management Committee’s recommendation was accepted by the membership, and at the AGM on 22nd September, Azets were formally appointed for 2023-24. 


Titanium 1

Kings Inch Place 



Internal Auditors

In December 2022 the Association undertook a tendering exercise to appoint an Internal Auditor for the period 2023-2026. Using the quick quotes process, two companies submitted tenders and were interviewed by a panel of governing body members and senior managers.   

Wylie and Bisset were successful and were appointed on a 3 year contract. 

Registered Office: 168 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4TP