Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910

Making a Freedom of Information request

You should make your request in a form that can be kept for future use such as e-mail, letter, audio or video tape.  For your Freedom of Information rights to apply, you can't ask verbally (for example by telephone or at the office).

You are required to give us your name and address (email or postal) so we can reply to you.

To allow us to respond to you as quickly as possible please describe the information you want as clearly as possible. 

If you need information in a particular format, for example audio, please let us know and we will accommodate you as far as is reasonable. The Association will always comply with all of our equalities duties when responding to requests.

The Association has a dedicated email post-box you can use for making information requests at dpo@yorkhillha.org

You can however contact any member of the Association’s staff who will pass any requests for information, advice or assistance.