Yorkhill Housing Association Limited
0141 285 7910
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Estate Management Policy Consultation Summer 2024

Yorkhill Housing Association is looking to review its Estate Management Policy, and given the importance of providing a high quality service in this regard, we want to know what the Yorkhill residents think is important regarding this!

We recognise the need to ensure Yorkhill remains a clean, peaceful and safe area for residents to live, and would like to have as much input from you as possible to consider when drafting an updated policy.

You can input your ideas using the online form below.

The opportunity to contribute your thoughts is open until 1 August 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our existing Estate Management Policy can be found by clicking here

Our existing Estate Management Policy can found by clicking here

Having read the existing Estate Management Policy document, do you feel that Yorkhill HA currently meets its Estate Management Duties? *

Would you be interested in being part of a planned Estate Management focus group following this consultation? *